Promoted Trend : #WinTheHolidays

Best Buy set out to turn gift giving into #winning by promoting the top tech gifts, even for your vegetarian mother.

We directed and concepted a promoted trend for Best Buy's #WinTHeHolidays campaign. The videos featured product demos and how to win with tech for teens, women, kids and men. Real time tweets were responded to with a team of blue shirts and live videos made on the fly.

More than 65.7M trend impressions and 7.28M tweet impressions were served.
• #WinTheHolidays promoted trend earned a 19.9% engagement rate, when the 2015 retail benchmark was 4.3%
• 1.4M video views, #WinTheHolidays is the second trend to drive more than 1M+ video views on twitter.
• Gained over 2.6K new followers because of the trend; 3x Best Buys daily average.
• Saw 2.4K @metions; 3x Best Buys daily average.